How To Block User On eBay – Full Details

How To Block User On eBay

On this article, you will learn How To Block User On eBay. Blocking someone on eBay will literally stop the person from bidding or buying from you. eBay allows users to block other users and stop them from seeing their profiles, listing, or communicating with them.

eBay is one of the top marketplaces on the internet, the platform has thousands of sellers and millions of customers who bid and buy products daily.

Nothing frustrates a seller than communicating with an unserious potential buyer who wastes your time and may end up not buying from you. While eBay encourages sellers to be lenient with potential buyers, there are some buyers who may cross the line and you want to block them.

As a seller on eBay, you can block any buyer if you do not want them to communicate with you any longer. This article gives you a full guide on how to block user on eBay, and how to block someone on eBay from messaging you.

Reasons For Blocking A Buyer On eBay

Several sellers have blocked buyers for some reasons including;

  • buyer refused paying for a purchased item on time after exceeding payment time period and did not contact the seller.
  • when buyer decides to leave a negative comment because of an issue without contacting the seller directly to try solving the problem.
  • if the buyer is abusive or harasses the seller during interactions.
  • a buyer has the habit of backing out of bids on numerous occasions.
  • the buyer is a competitor and may want to buy from bidding seller’s products.
  • buyer attempts to engage in fraudulent activities like scam, steal, or fraud against the seller.
    There may be several other reasons that made you want to block a buyer form bidding or buying from you. Whatever the case may be, it is advisable to always try reconciling any difference you have.
    If you want to go ahead and still block the seller, this article will show you how to do it.

How To Block User On eBay

You can block any user once you have the person’s email address or their eBay user ID. You will need any of these two things to initiate the block successfully.
Once you have the person’s eBay registered email address or eBay user ID, follow the steps below to initiate the block.

  • Log in to your eBay merchant account.
  • Navigate to the block bidders page.
  • You will find a text box where you will insert either the person’s eBay registered email address or eBay user ID. If you want to block more than one user, add their emails or IDs separated by commas.
  • Once you finish inserting the usernames, press ‘submit’ to save the list.
    You will see a message from eBay if all the usernames are valid or if any of the emails or usernames are invalid.

The name of any buyer(s) will appear in the text box that is placed on the bidders page once you have blocked them. We also have a guide on How To Change eBay Profile Picture

How To Unblock User On eBay

Any user you have blocked on eBay can be easily unblocked. To unblock a blocked user, simply remove from the block list.
Follow the guide below;

  • Log in to your eBay merchant account.
  • Navigate to the block bidders page.
  • Locate the username or email of the user you want to unblock in the blocklist.
  • Remove the user and click ‘Submit’ to save the changes you have made.

After unblocking the user, they will now be able bid or buy from your listing.

How Many Users Can I Block On eBay?

Every user has the ability of blocking up to 5,000 eBay users. This means that you are permitted to add up to 5,000 users to your blocklist, although, things may not get ugly to that point.

How To Block User On eBay

How To Block Buyer On eBay App

To block a buyer using the eBay app is relatively simple. Follow the steps below;

  • Open the eBay app
  • Log into your account.
  • Click on ‘Help & Contact’ located at the screen top.
  • Search for the word ‘block a buyer’, insert it into the search bar and search.
  • Click on the ‘Block a buyer’ button.
  • You will find a text box where you will insert either the person’s eBay registered email address or eBay user ID. If you want to block more than one user, add their emails or IDs separated by commas.
  • Once you finish inserting the usernames, press ‘submit’ to save the list.

Can Blocked eBay Buyers Send Messages?

Anyone you have blocked on eBay can still be able to message you directly. Blocking buyers on eBay will only limit them from bidding and or buying from your listing, it will not stop them from messaging you.
When you block a user, you have not blocked communication, any buyer you have blocked will still see the ‘Contact Seller’ button. You can change this if you don’t want your blocked users to message you.

In summary, blocked eBay buyers can still send messages to sellers under certain circumstances. When you block a buyer on eBay, they will be unable to place bids or buy from you until you remove them from the list. However, they will still be able to see your listings and send you messages. This is because blocking a buyer only prevents them from interacting with your listings, not from contacting you.

How To Block Someone On eBay From Messaging You

You can choose not to allow blocked buyers to contact you in your Buyer Requirements. To do this, go to your My eBay page and click on the “Selling” tab. Under the “Selling preferences” section, click on “Buyer requirements”. In the “Block buyers who” section, uncheck the box next to “Don’t allow blocked buyers to contact me”.

You are allowed to prevent blocked users from messaging you on eBay. If you have reasons you don’t want anyone you have blocked to message you, follow the steps below;

  • In your eBay dashboard, navigate to ‘Site Preferences‘ and click.
  • Select the box written ‘Don’t allow blocked buyers to contact me‘.
  • Once you have checked the box, the ‘Contact Seller’ button will disappear from your blocked users. This will automatically prevent them from messaging you.

How To Block eBay Member From Seeing My Items

You can block eBay member from bidding or buying your listing but you can’t block them from seeing your items. If you are asking ‘how to block eBay member from seeing my items? Follow the steps below;

  • Log in to your eBay seller account.
  • Go to the block bidders page.
  • Type in the eBay registered email address or eBay user ID of the member you want to block.
  • Click ‘Submit’ to save changes.

What Happens When You Block A Buyer On eBay?

When you block a buyer on eBay, they will no longer be able to:

  • Place bids on your listings.
  • Buy your items.
  • Contact you about your listings.

However, they will still be able to see your listings. This is because blocking a buyer on eBay is not the same as blocking them on social media or other platforms. Blocked buyers can still see your listings, but they will not be able to take any action on them.

If you want to prevent blocked buyers from seeing your listings, you can do so by setting buyer requirements in your account settings. You can choose to exclude buyers based on their feedback score, location, or other criteria.

Also learn How To Become A Verified Seller On eBay

eBay Block Buyer List

You can easily access your eBay block buyer list anytime. In the buyer/bidder management page, you can setup a list of bidders and buyers you don’t want to bid or buy your items. The link to your eBay block buyer list is here.