Amazon CS11 Error Fix – Step-By-Step Guide

Amazon CS11 Error Fix

Amazon CS11 Error – This particular error has been encountered by several Amazon app users both on Android and iOS devices. The CS11 error is commonly experienced while trying to make purchases either on Amazon shoppers, Amazon Prime, and other Amazon platforms.

The Amazon app provides a platform for customers to safely purchase products and services. With a company as huge as Amazon where millions of transactions take place on their mobile app daily, you’ll expect such errors.

That being said, the company has always put in their best efforts to minimize errors on the app. If you encounter a CS11 error while trying to access your shopping app account or cart section, you don’t have to panic because it’s not new, you’ll learn how to come through as you read this article.

Before we talk about how to fix Amazon CS11 error, it is pertinent we explain what the Amazon CS11 error is all about and why you are seeing it on your app.

Amazon CS11 Error Meaning

An Amazon CS11 error is an error code that prevents users from making purchases or accessing the account section of their Amazon apps.

The Amazon CS11 error typically indicates that the Amazon app is unable to link up with the Amazon servers, this result in a lost of communication which prevents the app from working.

There are many things that can disrupt the app from connecting with Amazon servers. Once there is a disruption, the error code will appear and this will prevent the user from proceeding.

Amazon CS11 Error iOS 15

The Amazon CS11 error was widely reported by users using iPhones that are running the iOS 15 beta operating system. This doesn’t mean Android users do not experience the problem, but it’s mostly reported by iPhone users.

This error prevents users from even accessing the “My Orders” page for tracking of orders, it also stopped them from accessing the “cart” section, as well as the “account” page.

Apart from the iOS 15 beta version, the “Amazon CS11 error” is also experienced on iPhone devices running on iOS older versions.

Having explained the above, let’s talk about “Amazon CS11 Error Android”.

Amazon CS11 Error Android

The Android version of the Amazon app also encountered the CS11 error on several Android devices.

For Android users, the error will display a message that reads “sorry, something went wrong. We are working on fixing it. (CS11)”. This error on Android devices indicates a loss of connection between the Amazon app and the Amazon server.

Just like the case with iOS devices, the CS11 error prevents users from shopping or tracking their orders on the Amazon app. As a matter of fact, you’ll be unable to further carry out any action on the app until the issue is resolved.

What Causes Amazon CS11 Error?

Although, there has been no official statement regarding the cause of the CS11 error from Amazon, we’ve been able to gather enough details regarding what causes the CS11 error on the Amazon app.
Getting to know these causes will help you to possibly find solutions to the problem and continue shopping on your Amazon app.
Below are the possible and known causes of Amazon CS11 error.

  • Using An Outdated Amazon App

If you are not using an updated version of the Amazon app, the app may not be able to get access to the Amazon server. This is the most common cause of Amazon CS11 error. For the Amazon app to function optimally, it must be updated to the latest version.

  • Corrupt Amazon App Installation

Once the Amazon app installation on your device is corrupt, several modules may find it difficult to be accessed or executed, this ultimately leads to CS11 error. The Amazon app needs to be working optimally for it to be accessed by the Amazon server.

  • Network Firewall Restrictions

The Amazon app needs to be allowed to fully access the Amazon servers. If there is a network firewall that is restricting the app from accessing its servers, the CS11 error may occur.

  • Problem With Amazon Server

The “CS11 error” will appear if the Amazon app isn’t able to access the serve, this means that you’ll get the “Amazon CS11 error message” once the Amazon server is down. This is another common cause of the Amazon CS11 error code.

  • Huge Traffic On Server

This is another common reason for the “CS11 error” you are seeing. With millions of daily transactions on the Amazon app and website, the server do get affected by the huge traffic and may result in the “CS11 error”.

Amazon CS11 Error Fix

What Does Code CS11 Mean On Amazon?

The CS11 code means that the Amazon app is unable to establish a connection with the server, it also means that the app can’t get an authorization from the Amazon server.

When this error appears, it doesn’t always indicate a problem with the app, the Amazon server could be the reason for the error code.

Technically, the app must have an unhindered link with its server before being able to execute any command, failure to have this link ultimately results in “error CS11”.

Amazon CS11 Error Fix – Full Guide

For majority of the Amazon CS11 error cases, users are always left with the only option of waiting and hoping the situation changes soon.
If the error is caused as a result of huge traffic on the server, there is nothing a user can do to help the situation rather than to wait. This also applies to CS11 errors caused by problem with the Amazon server.

That being said, a user will be required to take necessary actions if the error as a result of using an outdate version of the Amazon app or the installation is corrupt.

Follow the steps below for Amazon CS11 error fix.

Update Or Reinstall The Amazon App – iOS Users

  • Launch the Apple App Store on your device.
  • Search for the Amazon app and tap on it.
  • On the app’s details page, check if it is updated, if you see the “update” button, press it. Otherwise, press “Uninstall”.
  • Restart your iPhone after the update or uninstallation.
  • If you did uninstallation, visit the App Store, search for Amazon app and install it again.
  • Log in to your Amazon account on the app.

Once you’ve done any of these two, you can now check to see if the CS11 error is gone.

Update Or Reinstall The Amazon App – Android Users

  • Launch the Google Play Store on your Android device.
  • Search for the Amazon app and select it.
  • On the app’s details page, confirm if it is up to date, press the “update” button if it appears, or press “Uninstall”.
  • Restart your device once the update or uninstallation is complete.
  • If you uninstalled the app, visit the Google Play Store again, search for Amazon app and install it again.
  • Sign in to your Amazon account to check if the problem has been resolved.

Add Amazon Exceptions To Network Firewall

Although this isn’t a common cause of the Amazon CS11 error code, it has been reported as being the reason for the error in quite a few cases.
If your Amazon app isn’t working or you are seeing the Amazon CS11 error code due to firewall restrictions, example of a network’s firewall is PiHole, this is what we’ll be using as an example.
Follow the steps below to attempt fixing this, this only works on PC and not on mobile devices.

  • Use Windows and search for Command Prompt.
  • On the Command Prompt result, right-click on it and select “Run as Administrator”, this is located on the mini-menu.
  • Give the command: pihole
  • Once you’ve launched the PiHole interface, execute this command: pihole disable
  • Once the PiHole has been disabled, try launching the Amazon app on your device. If it’s free then you need to add Amazon exceptions to the firewall.
  • On the PiHole’s exclusions list, add;
  • Enable PiHole with the command: pihole enable

Check to see if the Amazon app is working now.

Force Stop The Amazon App On Device

Sometimes, forcing stopping the app may solve the Amazon CS11 error. If you’ve tried other ways to remove the code and it still remains, try to force stop the app on your Android or iOS device.

  • On your device, visit the Settings page.
  • Scroll to Applications, press “Manage app”.
  • Look for the Amazon and tap on it.
  • Tap on the “Force Stop” button.
  • Restart your device to see if the issue has been solved.

Amazon Something Went Wrong On Our End

This notice from Amazon indicates a loss in connection between the Amazon app and Amazon server. Majority of the times, all a customer needs to do is to wait and try later.

If you are getting the “Amazon something went wrong on our end” notice, simply restart your device and try again. If the problem persists, give it a little time and try again, this is because the problem is clearly from Amazon and there is really nothing you can do.